<html> <head> <title>Lenara Verle - Published Works & Exhibits</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#cccccc"> <center> <table width=500><tr><td> <font face="verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> <br> <b> Lenara Verle</b><br> 71 E 4th St. #3A, New York, NY 10003<br> (917) 353-0001<br> <a href="mailto:lenara@lenara.com">lenara@lenara.com</a><br> <p> <br> <br><b>Published works</b> <br> <br>"Gridcosm: A Tunnel of Visual Conversations" <br>ISEA 2002 - Conference Proceedings <br>Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts <br>Nagoya, Japan <br>October 2002 <br> <br>"Gridcosm 1000-0000" <br>BEAP 2002 - Conference Proceedings <br>Bienalle of Electronic Arts Perth <br>Perth, Australia <br>August 2002 <br> <br>"Gridcosm 1000-0000" <br>New School University Project Thesis <br>DVD, 18 minutes <br>New York, USA <br>May 2002 <br> <br>"GridCosm Unplugged" <br>Internet Art Digital Culture <br>FILE 2002 - Electronic Language International Festival Proceedings <br>Edited by Folha Seca Livraria e Edi&ccedil;&otilde;es <br>Rio de Janeiro, Brazil <br>September, 2002 <br> <br>"Artists and Articipants" <br>II Critical Themes in Media Studies Conference Proceedings <br>New School University <br>New York, NY, USA <br>April 2001 <br> <br>"New Images for a New Medium - Sito Artchives &amp; Collabspace" <br>III Consciousness Reframed Conference Proceedings <br>Caiia-Star Research Center <br>Cardiff, Wales, UK <br>August 2000 <br> <br>"New Images for a New Medium (Sito Artchives &amp; Collabspace Case Study)" <br>Masters Degree Dissertation <br>Edited by PUC University <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>March, 2000 <br> <br>"Sito Artchives &amp; Collabspace" <br>Semin&aacute;rio Internacional de Comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o &quot;O Estado Sedutor&quot; (Proceedings) <br>Edited by PUC University and the State Cultural Office <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>July, 1998 <br> <br>"Mona Lisa tours the Internet" <br>Semin&aacute;rio Internacional A Cultura na Era da Informa&ccedil;&atilde;o (Proceedings) <br>Edited by PUC University <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>October, 1997 <br> <br>"New images for a new medium: Sito Artchives &amp; Collabspace" <br>FAMECOS Magazine number 6 <br>Edited by PUC University <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>May, 1997 <br> <br>"Snow White and the Seven Pixels - a study on digital images" <br>FAMECOS Magazine number 5 <br>Edited by PUC University <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>December, 1996 <br> <br>"Multimidia Digital Products for the FABICO/UFRGS Database" <br>Magazine Revista de Biblioteconomia e Comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o number 7 vol. 7 <br>Edited by UFRGS University <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>December, 1996 <br> <br>"Die dritte Route, Die dritte Manipulation" <br>Artifact Project - catalog and calendar <br>German Telekom; pag.24 <br>Germany; 1995 <br> <br> <br> <br><b>Exhibits</b> <br> <br>"Gridcosm 1000-0000" <br>The Green Room Space <br>Brooklyn, NY <br>June, 15, 2002 <br> <br>"Looping - Synergy:Grid; Gridcosm 000-500; Hyglide" <br>Scott-Pfaffman Gallery, New York, NY <br>June, 16, 2001 <br> <br>"Cyberparty" <br>4E Open Studios <br>New York, NY <br>December, 15, 2000 <br> <br>"Passages: progetto per un'immagine" <br>II Bienal do Mercosul - Ciberporto <br>Usina do Gas&ocirc;metro <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>October 1999 <br> <br>"Passages: progetto per un'immagine" <br>La coscienza Luccicante: dalla videoarte all'arte interattiva <br>Palazzo delle Esposizione <br>Rome, Italy <br>july, 16 to october, 10, 1998 <br> <br>"Corpse Chamber" <br>Galeria dos Renegados - Dr Jekyll <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>march, 20 to april, 03, 1997 <br> <br>"Gridcosm" <br>Sito Electronic Arts Website <br>http://www.sito.org/synergy/gridcosm <br>march 1996 to present <br> <br>"O Espelho de Alice" <br>Pinacoteca Bar&atilde;o de Santo &Acirc;ngelo - Instituto de Artes da UFRGS <br>Porto Alegre, Brazil <br>july, 18 to august, 28, 1996 <br> <br>"Art in The Dark" <br>Exhibit Opening: Firefly Digital Gallery. <br>Adaweb Space, New York, USA <br>july, 16, 1996 <br> <br>"HyGrid" <br>Sito Electronic Arts Website <br>http://www.sito.org/synergy/hygrid <br>december, 1995 to present <br> <br>"Mush Room" <br>LEAD Digital Gallery <br>http://www.cesup.ufrgs.br/LEAD/dg.html <br>october, 1995 to december 1999 <br> <br>"Chain Reaction - An International Internet Experiment" <br>ISEA 95 - Montreal, Canada <br>september, 19 to 22, 1995 <br> <br>"Chain Reaction - An International Internet Experiment" <br>SIGGRAPH 95 - Los Angeles, USA <br>august, 16 to 21, 1995 <br> <br>"Infinite Grid" <br>Sito Electronic Arts Website <br>http://www.sito.org/synergy/infgrid <br>november, 1994 to present <br> <br> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>