Tag: art
This Friday: new exhibition opening. Come play with a UV-reactive 3D printed sculpture and take part in a micro-performance.
Artists @andressacantergianiart and @ccaarroollliinnee present BFF – Bugs & Friends Fest.
Tags: art | exhibition | insects | peekportReady to welcome visitors at Tag des Gartens.
The artist @oculardelusion with the sculpture / poem / AR / POAP “Any Gleeful God”
A poem sculpture plus AR POAP installation by @oculardelusion. Opens this Saturday. Come for a toast with the artist. 🥂
Art exhibition by @mlibty_zuubs will continue on display until next spring. www.greenpeek.ga
AR action by @mlibty_zuubs at the garden art space
Saturday 28th at 3PM join us for an art opening at the garden gallery with @mlibty_zuubs showing his @dadapower paper toys.
Despite including buzzwords tech like AR and NFT they are truly lovely and we are sure they will feel at home at the garden.
Check www.greenpeek.ga for his art statement and more info about the piece.
Tags: art | exhibition | peekportEarly “leaves” on the tree? Part of an art project by @greenplanet666
First artwork decorating the garden. By @mamiferomx
Art space winter glare
Our art space attracts all kinds of visitors
#dahlia #dailycut frame @ilan_katin
Trash bin turned into art and occasional pumpkin support
Tags: art | vegetables