How Forests Think by Martyna Poznańska

Opening: September 5, 2020.

The site-specific installation constructed from fragments of tree branches and brass wire enclosed in a white box is accompanied by ca. 20 min audio piece hidden under a qr code. 

Both parts reflect the artist’s vision of the dense trajectory through variety of the environmental strata and their interconnectedness and alchemical processes of transformation  not only as a visual, decorative form but also a manifestation of they’re thinking.

How Forests Think, 2020
wood, brass, mp3 soundfile
dimensions: 20x11x4 cm

Martyna Poznańska is a transdisciplinary artist working primarily with multimedia installations. Intrigued by the processes of transformation and decay she has been exploring the symbiotic relations between human and non-human beings during her field trips to the ‘Puszcza Bialowieska’, last primeval forest in Europe, attending to her own body as a connective tissue from within the environment.

Poznańska exhibited and performed internationally: at Akademie der Künste (DE), Aperto Raum, (DE), Konsumverein Braunschweig (DE), Unsound Festival (PL), HKAPA (HK), Dance Bridges Festival (Kolkata, IN), Art Sonje Centre (Seoul, KR) and has worked with renowned artists such as Hans Peter Kuhn, or Peter Cusack.

Martyna holds a magisterium degree in Spanish Philology (JU, Krakow, 2010), she completed a Sound Art course at the University of the Arts, London and studied with prof. Hans Peter Kuhn at the Universität der Künste Berlin obtaining a Master of Arts title in 2016.

Martyna lives and works in Berlin, Białystok and London.